Why I disappeared…


We’re expecting! A third tiny Hammond will be joining our family mid to late July! Both boys are ridiculously excited, especially J. While always excited about actually being pregnant, I have not so much enjoyed the actual act of being pregnant. For some reason, this pregnancy has hit me much harder than the previous two did. Almost immediately, I started feeling nauseous and remained so, with varying degrees, until very recently. Even now, at 14 weeks, I still have to monitor my activity level and force myself to eat. My appetite is slowly coming back around, luckily, and I don’t get close to blacking out near as often as I was! So, I’m on the right track!

In a nutshell, for the past 8-9 weeks, I’ve just been surviving. I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have Jony here as much as he was due to holidays (which, I advise, is a time that should be avoided when in early pregnancy) or without the help of our parents, especially my mom,  who was able to come live with us for a few weeks while I couldn’t manage life.

I’m starting to get back up on my feet. In fact, this week I have managed to feed, bathe and entertain the boys for the first time by myself in weeks while Jony is back to travelling. We even left the house for a few activities!

After J’s birthday, all school activities totally dropped off. We had already planned on taking off December, but we still haven’t gotten around to picking it up again. Soon. It’s allowed us to explore the concept of unschooling a little more and are realizing that we definitely fall into that scope at least to a small degree. We’re not ditching any of the curriculum we’ve chosen, but we’re for sure straddling the line of  an eclectic homeschooler/unschooler family. More thoughts to come on that, I’m sure.