Our Newest Student

justbornOn June 24th at 10:07am after 16 hours of active labor, 29 hours after the initial stages of my water breaking, Baby Girl K arrived into our family with lots of dark brown hair!

kara'sbirth She came much earlier than anticipated, but she was welcomed at home in a wonderful, yet intense, water birth. It was quite the mind game to labor for so much longer than I had planned on (her labor was more than twice as long as both of her brothers’ births combined, and that’s just considering active labor!) and was exhausting since it occurred mainly overnight. In the end, I got a beautiful daughter out of it, and we couldn’t be more infatuated with her! She was a tiny thing at only 5lbs, but she’s a great nurser and has far surpassed her birth weight at 2 weeks old. Her brothers are loving having her here and constantly want to hold, kiss and talk to her. She prefers to sleep with lots of noise, so it’s been a great match with these three! boys

Over the last two weeks, we’ve settled in quite nicely to our new family of five. Jony begins working again this next week, so we’ll start to get our true taste of real life with three kids. If baby girl remains as sweet as she has been, it should be a relatively seamless transition!

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